On Friday, May 31st, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, AmCham, and Danish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce jointly organized an EU Election Debate at Millton in Tallinn. The event was a significant gathering that brought together candidates for the European Parliament, and members of our communities to engage in a critical discussion on the future of Europe. The debate was expertly moderated by Annika Arras, whose adept facilitation ensured a lively and informative discussion.

The audience played an active role in the debate, posing insightful questions to the candidates. The discussion was particularly focused on the crucial issues of defense within the EU and the threats to our borders, reflecting the audience’s keen interest in security matters. This segment of the debate highlighted the importance of a strong and unified approach to external challenges facing the European Union.

A fun aspect of the evening was the opportunity for candidates to predict the expected voter turnout in Estonia and also share their forecasts on the distribution of MEP seats in the upcoming Parliament.

Here are their predictions:

  • Marina Kaljurand (Social Democrats) anticipated a 41% voter turnout, with both the Social Democrats and the Reform Party achieving strong results.
  • Yoko Alender (Reform Party) projected a 39% turnout, predicting robust performances for the Reform Party and the Social Democrats.
  • Andrei Korobeinik (Center Party) estimated a 42% turnout, with the Social Democrats and Isamaa emerging as favorites.
  • Liisa Pakosta (Estonia 200) was more optimistic, forecasting a higher turnout of 51%, and expected the Social Democrats, Reform Party, and Isamaa to lead.
  • Urmas Reinsalu (Isamaa) predicted a 39.2% turnout.
  • Kristjan Vanaselja (Parempoolsed) expected a 37% turnout, with the Social Democrats and Reform Party likely to perform well.

We extend our gratitude to all the participants, candidates, and attendees who made the EU Election Debate a resounding success. It was a testament to the commitment of our community to engage actively in the democratic process and to contribute to the shaping of Europe’s future. We look forward to continuing this important dialogue and encourage everyone to participate in the upcoming elections to ensure a strong, democratic, and prosperous Europe for all.